Exercise, Do You Need It?
Do you get confused by all the information on what to do to maintain your health? When even health experts often disagree, it can be confusing. But, one thing that is universally agreed upon is that you must exercise regularly if you want better health.
The American Heart Association, in their report entitled International Cardiovascular disease Statistics, says that "economic transition, urbanization, industrialization and globalization bring about lifestyle changes that promote heart disease." Among the principal risk factors are "physical inactivity and unhealthy diet." All the modern technology in use in our lives today has contributed to a sedentary life-style in much of the population.
How many of us work sitting in front of a computer most of the day and if we need to go anywhere, we just jump in the car. Then when we finally get home, a lot of us sit in front of the TV. A whole generation of sedentary children has been produced because of modern technology also. kids today are more interested in playing video games or watching TV as their entertainment, as opposed to more physical activities.
Risks of Sedentary life Styles
A British health agency reported: "Inactive children are at risk of poorer self-esteem, greater anxiety and higher stress levels. These children are also more likely to smoke and use drugs than active children. Inactive employees have more days off work than active employees. In later life, inactive people lose the basic strength and flexibility for daily activities. As a result, many lose their independence and have poorer mental health." Many physical, mental and emotional health problems can be traced to the drastic reduction in physical exertion.
type 2 diabetes is on the increase in adults and now, for the first time in children, due to obesity and a sedentary life style. Inactive people tend to have higher blood pressure, a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks and a higher risk of developing certain types of cancers and osteoporosis and of course, obesity.
One thing that is for sure, moderate physical activity on a regular basis, is crucial to our well being. Yet even knowing this, about 40% of adults are sedentary and about half of the young people between the ages of 12 and 21 do not engage in regular vigorous activities. But even that is not as bad as a study that found that in Portugal the percentage of inactive people is about 87%. Therefore it should not come as a surprise that an estimated two million people die every year from causes related to physical inactivity.
But, we all should know that the ultimate responsibility of taking care of one's health fall on each of us. So we need to ask ourselves these questions: Do I get enough exercise? Am I active enough? And what can I do to change my sedentary life style? The answers to these questions can be very important to our future well being.
Anyone who needs to get fit, lose fat and gain muscle should go to Burn The Fat and check out the great information here.
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