
Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Definition of Global Warming

Hello friends and thanks for reading.

My article today is concerning the definition of global warming. Since it is such a hot topic in todays media, its important to know the facts behind this idea that the earth is constantly getting warmer. Global warming is not a 20th century phenomenon. It has, in fact, occurred in the past more than once, along with periods of extreme cold known as the ice ages. With so much written and reported about global warming, sometimes it's difficult to detect which is fact and which is just part of scientific scare tactics.

Global warming is basically the increase of the earths average temperature and its projected continuation in the coming years. The unprecedented super-accelerated rate of global warming happening today is supposedly due to the amount of greenhouse gases being spewed into the atmosphere.

The increase in global temperature could cause many side effects including sea level rise and drastic changes to the pattern of precipitation resulting in floods and drought. As the Earth's average temperature rises, effects in its landmasses and sea water level become apparent. Polar ice caps melt along with glaciers, contributing to higher and warmer sea levels. By the end of the century, it is estimated that sea levels can increase from 4 inches to a high of about 40 inches if global warming continues unabated.

Currently, there in an ongoing political debate on what action, if any, should be taken to help lower the chance of global warming. How these measures will fare and contribute to the long-term maintenance of our planet, though, remains to be seen.

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