Yoga Can Help You to Lose Weight
...your metabolism. It also promotes cardio and circulatory health.
Mental Benefits: Helps you relax and handle stress more easily. Teaches you to quiet all that chatter in your mind so you can focus on how you want to direct your energy. Encourages positive thoughts and self-acceptance. This alone can do a lot for those emotional/stress eaters out there.
Spiritual Benefits: This is a nondenominational value that helps to build awareness of your body, your feelings, and the world around you. It also helps you to learn patience, forgiveness, and the value of gentleness. We all could use some regular reminders of this!
So why not join a yoga class? It can add so many benefits to your life and now you can add weight management to the list! Take action and sign up for an introductory class today!more
yoga For stress And Anxiety Relief
...Today's lifestyles define the word, "stress." More than 19 million Americans suffer from some from of anxiety on a regular basis. Part of what contributes to the increase in stress, and anxiety, is that very few people know how to manage their stress.
Some of those, who know how to manage stress, fail to create a plan of action. In a nutshell, yoga can provide the means to cope and reduce stress. Allowing stress to become chronic, or permitting anxiety to take over one's life, can be seriously detrimental to a person's health.
yoga - Breathing Correctly A Simple Exercise To Help You Feel Better Instantly!
...ofound inhalation - completely filling the lungs.
When doing so visualize the energy going into every cell of your body and filling you with energy.
Without pausing, exhale twice through the nose and mouth with a short, then a prolonged exhalation - making the sound: "Huf, Huffffffff."
Try to visualize as you are breathing correctly, the life energy flowing into your body with every breath reenergizing your soul.
The positive benefits of correct breathing
If you practice only this exercise daily, you will gain positive benefits that will help you look and feel better.
Not only will you feel fresh and alert, you will also have exhaled by breathing correctly, many toxins and negative particles produced through our respiration process.
You will as a consequence look and feel healthier, you will be alert, and gradually you will come to sense the life energy that breathing correctly can give you.
This is a simple exercise that can be done by anyone even if you dont want to practice yoga itself, correct breathing will give you health benefits with very little effort.more
Try These yoga Poses for Jet Lag
...he use of some of its poses.
This perhaps reiterates why using the shoulder-stand yoga pose for jet lag as previously mentioned may indeed be a great and wise choice as this pose as well affects all the bodily organs. By pressing the chin-lock, it stimulates the thyroid gland, balancing the circulatory, digestive, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems. It tranquilizes the mind, alleviates stress and psychological disturbances. It is indeed a panacea, a ...more
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