
Friday, March 14, 2008

Download Xbox 360 Games - How to Download Games for the Xbox 360

To buy xbox 360 games regularly can cost quite allot of money, So people are wanting to know how to download xbox 360 games. If you do a simple search in Google then you will end up with many many results, so that leads us on to where to download games.

The are a few different types of download site available, firstly there are the totally free sites which are supported by advertising, this means that before you get to the download page you will be bombarded with pop-ups and advertising banners, which can leave lots of adware on your computer, then when you finally download the game it is very slow and can take days, in my opinion i wouldn't even bother with these sites. Secondly there are sites which say they offer free game downloads, but you actually have to pay a monthly subscription, or a pay per download fee, they only say the game is free because your not actually paying for the game, you pay for the service. Thirdly there are sites which require you to join as a member, the membership fee is usually around the price of one game from the shop, but when you've paid the one time only membership fee you then get access to unlimited downloads for life, theses are my favourite sites because there great value for money.

The site i use regularly to download Xbox 360 games is very easy to use with all the online help to get you going as well as 24/7 online customer support, plus it also offers downloads for other platforms such as the ps3 and nintendo Wii as well as Music, Movies and TV show downloads, it even has all the tools needed to transfer and burn your games ready to play, you can read my review of this site by clicking the link below.

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