
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Setting Up Your D-Link Wireless Network - Simple Steps to Follow

The Dlink wireless network setup is quite easy. All you need is a Dlink wireless router or a Wireless access point (WAP) and then you need the Dlink wireless adapter, one for each computer, which will connect to the router or the WAP. There are many components to a wireless network and it may include a broadband internet connection through a cable modem or DSL, an internet security option, wireless printers and faxes, wireless music and video players, wireless game consoles and controllers, and so on.

Dlink wireless network setup is easiest when all components are from Dlink because it ensures maximum hardware compatibility. All Dlink products come with a quick installation manual that makes it a snap to follow step-by-step instructions to get the network ready to go. There are also detailed user manuals that cover all the technical aspects of the router and adapter.

Wireless networks are quite convenient and neat because there is no mess of power wires and connecting cables but there are some things you proceed with the Dlink wireless network setup.

First thing to keep in mind is that no outsiders are able to connect to your network because by default the Dlink wireless network setup is open to everyone. You must replace all the default passwords with those of your own choice because the factory defaults are known to hackers. Default settings include the access point and adapters and passwords. There are many similar Dlink networks in the world and it must be expected that there is a high probability of your network being close to some adapter that is not part of your network. Hackers are constantly on the prowl looking for networks running on default settings because they are so easy to crack. All you need to do is create a new password and you are several times safer. Hackers are a constant threat to wireless networks so you must change the password before you open your network to the world.

During the first run of the Dlink wireless network setup you will be assisted by setup wizards. When you are answering the questions that will help you to configure the network you must make sure you change all the default values to customized ones. just make sure that you dont go overboard in choosing something so complicated that you yourself cannot remember it. As long as you go in for a reasonably complicated personalized setup you will be fine. just do not choose common information like your family name, kids' names, date of birth and so on.

If you have more than one computer you wish to include in your wireless network then make sure the WAP or router is located central to all computers.

Yoga Teacher Suffolk

Installing a Septic System

When you are building a home and are not within range of your municipalities public sewer system, you will probably have to install a septic system.

What is a septic system? How does it work?

A septic system is an underground disposal system that accepts all of the effluent (waste) from your home and disposes of it in a very simple way.

Normally a concrete septic tank is installed (although in some areas you might have a need for plastic) to accept the waste from your home. One side of the tank receives the solid material and the other takes the liquids. This is done by a simple baffle installed between the two compartments.

As the liquid rises it finds the outlet side of the tank and flows into a distribution box. The distribution box is installed level, and as the liquid rises it finds the leach field pipes and flows evenly to the leaching fields.

The leaching fields can me as simple as beds of gravel with leach pipe placed over the gravel bed, or underground chamber systems. The water flows down the leaching pipes and drips into the gravel beds (normally 3 ft in depth, depending on the water table in your area).

While you will have to check with your local Department of environmental quality (or other such name), this is the basic idea of a septic system.

If you would like to take a photo tour of an actual septic installation, please visit http://www.tucsonseptics.com/septic_Installation.html

Tucson Septic systems is licensed in commercial and residential Septic Installations.

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If You're Serious About Being Healthy - Get In Front Of A Computer

Marketing companies are constantly inventing new and expensive fads to help us exercise, lose weight and get healthy. But if were really going to get results, its probably just best to do more and more of the things we already enjoy. Frankly there arent any shortcuts to good health and fitness, the only real way to be healthy is through a good diet and good exercise.

To get results, we need to commit to a regular schedule, ideally we should be doing something every day if possible. But whatever our personal circumstances, I dont think theres a single one of us that doesnt find that difficult with so many demands on our time. Of all the choices of exercise available, yoga is perhaps the most versatile, allowing us to exercise almost anywhere, without the need for any special equipment we dont really even need a mat.

This means that we can exercise anytime morning to night, wherever we feel comfortable, at home, at work or in our hotel room when we travel.

For most of us, the limitation of yoga, is also one of its most important aspects. To practice properly, we have to know the postures, and the correct sequence to do them. But now we can all get our own private professional yoga instruction.

Ancient practices, modern technology

The latest technology now allows us to follow video based yoga instruction, without having to buy the videos or DVDs. Instead we can access a full library of videos online at the click of a mouse. Our high-speed computers can stream the videos over the internet to our homes or wherever else we want to practice.

Convenience and quality all the better for us

Having access to a range of different yoga routines and instructors gives us the benefits of going to class, without the hassle or its limitations. Online yoga classes give us:

  • yoga instruction on demand so we can practice yoga according to our own schedules. Fit a session in before work, at lunch or in the evening theres no need to check your yoga center's class schedules.
  • yoga wherever you are No need to fight traffic, pay for parking or even make a special trip to our yoga center. We can just practice at the click of our mouse, wherever we feel comfortable. Even our hotel room when you travel.
  • Clear visual and audio instruction Using the same technology as the Hollywood movie studios, we can get full screen, High Definition (HD) quality streaming video online. We dont need to wait and we dont even need to waste electricity downloading the videos overnight. Its as convenient as putting on a dvd.
  • More health improving yoga poses Having access to a library of online videos means we get a wide range of routines and a greater range of yoga poses and their unique benefits to your body and mind - just like you'd get in class.
  • The highest quality yoga instruction - All yoga instructors have unique styles and quality standards. Don't let your development be limited by the instructors in your area, get access to yoga instruction like you've never experienced before.
So although its still more desirable to attend a class to practice yoga, were all limited by the practicalities of life and the teaching available in our areas. With the latest technology it just gets easier and more convenient for all of us to share in the joys of yoga.

about THE AUTHOR: Jez Heath is helping real people learn yoga online so they can make the commitment necessary to improve their yoga and their health - mind, body and soul. learn how yoga streaming video can help you transform your life

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