SNES Games Controllers
...I was shocked when Super Nintendo Entertainment System first came out of the early picture in the early 1990s. Although, when the SNES came out I was much mature to say goodbye old type of video games.
But I remember the first Nintendo Entertainment System was amazing and groundbreaking in itself. The main drawback for Nintendo was that The Sega Genesis and the Turbo Grafix 16 were already introduced in the market. Even though the wait for the arrival of SNES was worth but it was late for the third generation of video game consoles. I still play on one of my three SNES I own and are my favorites among all third generation consoles.
Super Nintendo controller was amazing and was loaded with features. The Super Nint...more
Xbox 360 Three Red Lights - Fix It In An Hour Or Less
...: you will need to send in your console to Microsoft. Due to the large number of failing consoles you might have to wait several weeks to get your XBOX back. Additionally, if your console is out of the warranty period, you might have to pay $140 for the job. Microsoft just recently extended the warranty regarding hardware failures, but there's no saying when this guarantee will be void.
Option B would be your choice, as you should be able to fix the problem yourself in most cases. All you need is one of the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ebooks floating around on the web which teach you how to repair your XBOX step-by-step and maybe some tools from Radio Shack.<...more
Sony PS3 or Play Station 3 - A Amazing Gaming Platform for game Lovers With Exciting New Features
...sting games include Oblivion, F.E.A.R and Sonic, The hedgehog. Popular sequels of Sony Play Station 3 games include God of War, Gran Turismo, Warhawk, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Lair and Heavenly Sword. Other exclusive games are Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Monster Hunter 3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Tekken 6, Devil May Cry 4 and Virtua Fighter 5
Sony Play Station Network
Online, Sony Play Station 3 can be played on Microsofts Xbox Live network and includes a supporting multiplayer and there is a subscription fee for the same.
Playstation 3 vs XBOX360 vs Nintendo Wii
...The next generation consoles are here: Playstation 3, XBOX360 and Nintendo Wii. Which one is going to win the next-gen war?
The XBOX360 had the advantage of an early release, and is still doing really well in the market, having a 3.2GHZ IBM PowerPC tri-core processor and a 500MHZ GPU, the console is mainly attractive do it's powerful running speeds, fast-paced online action and mind-blowing graphics.
Plus the console is moderate in pricing: it costs $299.99 for a core system, and $399.99 for a premium system. The cost for one of these is well in between the Playstation 3's horribly expensive price, and the Wii's cute cheapness.
One main bad point about the 360, is that because it does not contain a processor from the original Xbox, it cannot...more