
Monday, June 2, 2008

Popular NASCAR Games

...ndle by the player and allows him to adjust the level of control he can exercise on the car he is driving. You get to drive real race cars against 43 opponents reaching speeds in excess of 180 miles per hour and performing maneuvers that defy physics in the best racing game imagined so far. The adrenaline doesnt get much higher than this.

To help you improve your driving measure the level of control you have over the car Electronic Arts have added a sliding scale to the game which can help you achieve complete control of the vehicle. Also, you now have the opportunity to compete against specific drivers and have a different experience on the track every single time. The effects added to the game...more

Sony Delays PlayStation 3

...five, technology is by far the least important factor. The four most important factors (available titles, relative launch date, price, and predecessor's installed base) are difficult to separate. Clearly, having a predecessor with a large installed base (such as the PS2) can be tremendously beneficial, if you get satisfactory marks in the other three areas (titles, launch date, and price).

Predecessor's Installed Base

The PlayStation 3 dominates when it comes to having a predecessor with a large installed base. So, how does it score in the other three areas?

In terms of available titles, the PS3 scores as well as any of its competitors, if not better. However, none of the three consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii) does very well in this regard. Unfortunately, the titles are likely to be somewhat segregated by console. There will be quality games on each system; but, almost no one will buy all three. Simply put, there will be some games exclusive to each console that a lot of people would really love to play but can't.

Relative Launch Date

Returning to the list of factors that determine a console's success, let's consider the launch date issue. Sony clearly has a bit of a problem in Europe, because it will have one less Christmas season than both the Xbox 360 and the Wii. Some analysts think Sony will lose no more than a few hundred thousand console sales to substitutions. If that's true, lost revenue might be in the hundreds of millions rather than the billions.

Three Separate Markets

The U.S., Japan, and Europe are really three very different markets. It's quite possible you could have a console that is very successful in one market and yet unable to get any real momentum in another.

Before this delay, I felt strongly that Europe was the market where the PS3 could come closest to duplicating the performance of the PS2 in terms of market share. There's a long-term danger that Microsoft will gain market share in the U.S. and Nintendo will gain market share in both the U.S. and Japan.

Obviously, Europe isn't as well defined a market as either the U.S. or Japan. So...more

Find Out What Causes The Xbox 360 Red Light Error

...ps that if you ask me are common sense stuff. After they realize your box is screwed they''ll get your information so they can ship you your box 360 coffin.

When you get your coffin you'll have to ship it of and wait and wait. And after your finished waiting, wait some more. This is due to the large number of consoles they have to repair. If your box 360 is registered you can go online and check the status of your repair order but it will not speed up the process.

I know what the problem is and why theses consoles are failing. Heat is their worst enemy. The Xbox 360 gets so hot inside you can literally fry an egg on t...more

Nintendo Wii Game Console - The Winning Game Solution Wii All Have Been Waiting For

...son to Xbox live since it does not employ a single unifying Friend Code, and codes must be entered on a game-by-game basis. However the Wii game console has one code for all games.

The console will always be online, even when powered off (standby). This quiet time is used to update games, such as adding new features, characters, and even gifts for you!

Nintendo Wii: It's cheap. It's fun to play and extremely original. It's great to play with in large groups and there are plenty of titles available that don't involve spilling the blood of your peers. A great option for the here-and-now gamer. Ideal for 30-minute lighthearted gaming sessions every now and then. If you don't care about future-proofing and you just want to have some fun, this is for you.

What can I say. So many people I know have bought one, and I never stop hearing how great they are.

Final verdict: Don't go for a PS3. Instead, buy a Nintendo Wii game console AND an Xbox 360. That way, you spend only a little more than what the PS3 would cost you, but you'll get the full gaming experience. There you have it, that was easy wasn't it?<...more

Yoga Zone Dvd