
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Prenatal Yoga is More than Classes for Pregnant Yoga Students

...Lately, Prenatal Yoga classes have been catching on, within some hospitals, clinics, and Yoga studios, but there are a surprising number of Yoga teachers and students, who take risks due to a lack of awareness about potential hazards.

With what we now know about contraindications for postures during each trimester a pregnant Yoga student should not be practicing Yoga, without the guidance of a qualified Prenatal Yoga instructor. How can a Yoga teacher expect to address the needs of each student and then customize the lesson plan for a pregnant students particular trimester?

Pregnant students should be in a specialized Prenatal Yoga class, with a competent Prenatal Yoga teacher, and have their doctors permission to be in the class. Why should Yoga teachers be so cautious? As a Yoga instructor, your number one priority is student safety and you could set yourself up for a negligence lawsuit, if you do not...more

Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers - The Ups and Downs

...regular daily practice of the techniques. 5-15 minutes in a quiet airy place is all that is needed.

No special equipment is required, wear loose clothing or even your underwear, or swimwear. Some people find the morning easier, others late at night, experiment with different times. Practice at least 3 days a week and ideally every day. Practice outside in the fresh air if weather and temperature allows. Study books on the subject too, but above all take your time and do not force any of the physical movements.

Yoga is for everyone, young and old alike, it can be adapted to suit the agility, fitness and flexibility of each pupil and the benefits are immense.<...more

Yoga for Fitness

...ed in their practice and may encourage you to do things your body isn't quite ready to do.

Take things slowly. Start with a beginners class and do not advance to more challenging forms until your body is ready for the change. Like most things, Yoga is a practice that evolves with you and it will become a very enjoyable part of your life. The health and strength benefits will amaze you as your body becomes more efficient and attractive.


love Yoga? How to Find The right Yoga Instructor and Yoga Class for You

...is enrolling in a right class for you which ideally has an expert instructor who looks into your personal needs. It is also important that you must also know your personal limitations and goals.

Though the advantages and disadvantages are well known, very little is known about what makes a good instructor. Before choosing any class you have to find the right instructor that understands what you want to accomplish with your individual practice.

There are a number of important aspects that you should look for in an instructor. The instructor should at first glance identify whether you are doing the pose right and if not he/she should be able to modify or correct the pose.

A good instructor should wa...more

Yoga Teacher Training In New Mexico