How Practicing Yoga Can Lead To A Healthier Heart For Baby Boomers
The benefits of exercise are well known especially the positive affect that it has on the health of your heart. Through exercise you will lower your weight, your cholesterol, and your blood pressure. This will all result in less work on your heart and if you already are having heart problems, exercise can help keep your heart beat regulated and expand your blood vessels.
According to physicians a regular exercise regimen is one of the best things that you can do to ensure that your heart stays healthy. If you have not been active, don't rush into it. Just start out walking a few minutes and increase it gradually, you will be surprised at how quickly you will gain strength and endurance. Don't overdo it when you first get started. Starting out slow will help condition your heart and give you the encouragement to increase the amount and intensity of your exercise.
A great form of exercise for baby boomers to consider is the practice of Yoga. Yoga is very low impact and focuses on breathing and relaxation methods. One of the great things about yoga is that any one of any size or age can start doing Yoga and make an impact on their health. When you add in the relaxation methods used in yoga practice you can bring down your blood pressure and relieve stress that is harmful to your heart.
The practice of Yoga has long been proven to be effective in relieving stress, calming nerves, and promoting heart health. This is why many fitness clubs now have begun to offer yoga classes with certified trainers that will help beginners learn to practice yoga safely. Yoga practice urges you to listen to your body and build up to working to your full capacity. Special needs can be discussed with the trainer and routines custom-made to fit your body.
If there are no classes available in your area, Look online for yoga tapes and other low impact tapes that will guide your new exercise routine or got to your local library and see what information and media products they may have on the subject.
It doesn't matter which exercise you start with, what's important is to make it a regular part of your daily routine. Walking is possibly the easiest and least expensive way to start exercising and just about anyone can do it. Be sure to buy a good pair of walking shoes to protect you feet and you're all set.
Before starting any physical exercise routine, contact your doctor. He may also recommend the right exercise just for you.
Gregg Hall is an author and internet marketing consultant living in Navarre Florida. Find more about exercise and weight loss at
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