
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chakrabhedan(circle-interception) - a New Kind of Yogic Exercise

There are many types of Yogasanas or yogic exercises taught by several Masters on Yoga. Yogic exercises should be simple so that practitioners of all ages can practise them. The aim of yogic exercises is to supply sufficient warmness or heat to the body so that germs causing disease are killed; deposits in veins and arteries are removed and mind gets concentrated. As gold is purified by burning, so heat generated from Yoga removes or kills germs or foreign matter from the body. Further in yogic exercise mind remains within the body and thereby gets concentrated.

My Yoga Master Late Munishvar Shiv kumar Shastri has developed an unique yogic exercise called Chakrabhedan(circle-interception). This is very simple but most effective for making the body disease-free and concentrating mind to a great extent. The body has six major Chakras or circles. These are - Muladhar Chakra at anus, Swadhisthan Chakra at genital, Manipur Chakra at naval, Anahat Chakra at mid-chest, Vishudha Chakra at throat and Ajna Chakra in between eyebrows. These are vital Chakras for the body in order to survive.

Besides these six Chakras, there are minor Chakras both in the legs and hands. There Chakras are simply joints in the legs and hands. So in all there are eighteen Chakras in the body. In Chakrabhedan body parts or limbs are moved along fixed directions on the plane of each Chakra. While moving limbs mind is fixed on a particular Chakra. So not only there is an exercise of the body but there is exercise of mind also. This Chakrabhedan exercise cannot be described in words. Learners may learn it directly from a Master. Once learners learn it they shall find it most effective.

Author Premansu Chand preaches and practices Yoga. He resides at Bhubaneswar, India. To know more about spiritualism and Yoga readers may go through his book 'Quest for truth: the spiritual and yogic way' which may be collected from bn.com or amazon.com. premansu_chand@rediffmail.com

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Getting In Shape

Nothing and nobody will be able to make you lose the weight without a serious modification of your eating habits, and success with that can only be had by also including a strict weight loss exercise program. Of course, while it is hard enough to stick to a diet, it is even harder to take time out every day to exercise. In addition to the foregoing, many gyms have the kind of clientele that is a bit off-putting to somebody trying to get in shape. Add to this the sheer boredom that quickly and easily slips into most exercise routines, and it is no surprise that the United States is threatening to become a nation of yo-yo dieters.

If you are trying to lose some weight, you know how hard it is to stick to a healthy diet. You might even be tempted by some of the advertisements that promise you to shed the pounds overnight while you sleep all you have to do is purchase some outrageously expensive supplement that does not have the blessing of the Food and Drug Administration.

Create Your Own Weight Loss Exercise Program D[id you know that your weight loss exercise program does not have to be boring? On the contrary, you will be able to create your own program easily and quickly! You can use any of a number of online sites that will help you to draft your own routine, or you can simply decide what kind of athletic activity is the most fun to you. Maybe you like playing basketball, or maybe you enjoy a brisk walk by the lake in the morning. These activities can be done anywhere for free! Add a little bit of length and distance to your workout in regular intervals just to keep it interesting. Additionally, start out slow remember, Rome was not built in one day, and neither will your healthier body emerge in one week!

Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.


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