
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Xbox System Breakdown

Have you been wondering what all comes with an xbox System?

If you have reached the right spot. In this article I will detail everything that comes with your standard xbox system.

Of course down the line if you chose to get fancy you can modify your xbox but for right now lets keep to the basics.

First lets take a look at the xbox.

If you havent seen what the xbox looks like you can head over to Google.com and type in the term "Xbox" or you could simply visit the xbox.com website.

As you can see its kinda bulky compared to the other consoles that are out now but hey I tell you what. I'll take an xbox system over these other consoles anyday.

Now lets look at all come comes with your xbox system and what their role is. Oh yeah sometimes in my writing I take the long and boring stuff and make it short and sweet. I rather not waste your time and drag things out. Lets begin.

AV Cords - This cord will allow you to view and hear your xbox.

power Cords - Pretty easy...without this your xbox will have no "juice" or power if you prefer. No power = No gaming

Standard controller - I really didnt care too much for this controller but there are different xbox controller you can find out there that you may like. There is a downside to this standard xbox system package. You will have to buy another controller if you plan on playing a muti-player game.

On the plus side there no need to purchase a memory card (unless you like taking your saves over a buddies house)

There you have it the basic setup.

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Exercise, Do You Need It?

Do you get confused by all the information on what to do to maintain your health? When even health experts often disagree, it can be confusing. But, one thing that is universally agreed upon is that you must exercise regularly if you want better health.

The American Heart Association, in their report entitled International Cardiovascular disease Statistics, says that "economic transition, urbanization, industrialization and globalization bring about lifestyle changes that promote heart disease." Among the principal risk factors are "physical inactivity and unhealthy diet." All the modern technology in use in our lives today has contributed to a sedentary life-style in much of the population.

How many of us work sitting in front of a computer most of the day and if we need to go anywhere, we just jump in the car. Then when we finally get home, a lot of us sit in front of the TV. A whole generation of sedentary children has been produced because of modern technology also. kids today are more interested in playing video games or watching TV as their entertainment, as opposed to more physical activities.

Risks of Sedentary life Styles

A British health agency reported: "Inactive children are at risk of poorer self-esteem, greater anxiety and higher stress levels. These children are also more likely to smoke and use drugs than active children. Inactive employees have more days off work than active employees. In later life, inactive people lose the basic strength and flexibility for daily activities. As a result, many lose their independence and have poorer mental health." Many physical, mental and emotional health problems can be traced to the drastic reduction in physical exertion.

type 2 diabetes is on the increase in adults and now, for the first time in children, due to obesity and a sedentary life style. Inactive people tend to have higher blood pressure, a higher risk of strokes and heart attacks and a higher risk of developing certain types of cancers and osteoporosis and of course, obesity.

One thing that is for sure, moderate physical activity on a regular basis, is crucial to our well being. Yet even knowing this, about 40% of adults are sedentary and about half of the young people between the ages of 12 and 21 do not engage in regular vigorous activities. But even that is not as bad as a study that found that in Portugal the percentage of inactive people is about 87%. Therefore it should not come as a surprise that an estimated two million people die every year from causes related to physical inactivity.

But, we all should know that the ultimate responsibility of taking care of one's health fall on each of us. So we need to ask ourselves these questions: Do I get enough exercise? Am I active enough? And what can I do to change my sedentary life style? The answers to these questions can be very important to our future well being.

Anyone who needs to get fit, lose fat and gain muscle should go to Burn The Fat and check out the great information here.

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Proper Golf Swing Secrets Revealed

Did you know that the average golfer's gross score is 107 shots? If you've hit with your golf driver perfectly one time, you can do it every time; you have a perfect, proper golf swing, just develop it. And now is always the time to fix an unpredictable golf swing.

Positive thinking and positive energy you send out will influence your game, just as negative thinking and therefore negative energy will affect it also. Understanding your golf swing is one of the first steps you can take toward swing improvement. Don't worry about what others think or say about your swing if it isn't up to snuff; work to improve it at your own speed. golf also requires tough mental fitness as well as physical fitness and this is often overlooked.

When you swing, use muscles in your legs and trunk. Ask your golf pro to evaluate your posture and biomechanics while you are swinging. At the end of a backswing the hands should be above the right shoulder with the golf club pointing more or less in the intended direction of the ball flight.

And sidespin occurs when the clubface is not properly aligned perpendicularly to the plane of the swing and make sure not to grip the golf club too tightly. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to ultimately steer the ball around obstacles or head toward the safe side of fairways and greens.

When you swing, if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine holding a soccer ball between your knees. The backswing is a simple rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player's body weight to the right side, turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. It is difficult for a golfer to practice hitting shots longer than short pitch shots, unless of course, one pays to play golf or pays to practice at a driving range or indoor golf training facility.

The most important thing about the golf swing is the angle, not the strength that is applied to it, that's one of many swing secrets. Ideally putts and short chips are played without much movement of the body, but almost all other golf shots are played using variants of the full golf swing.

Consistent workouts will change your golf game forever. Turn to golf exercise and techniques if you want to gain more strength and power. To prevent injury and improve your swing speed and distance requires your body to be strong and flexible. Most golfers don't know there are techniques that will greatly affect swing mechanics; you can get an edge by changing your approach.

Overall, investing in golf swing trainers will greatly improve your swing and your game. There are a wide range of golf swing aids and analyzers on the market today to help the beginning and advanced golfer improve swing techniques. Keep in mind that with some golf swing trainers, you will probably still need help from an expert.

Sporting goods stores also carry golf swing trainers and aids to improve your game. There are golf swing trainers that will help you with your swing alignment. There are lots of good golf swing aids on the market today.

Before buying any aid or trainer for your swing, check with a pro to get an idea of what problem you need to work on first; for example, backlift of golf swing, momentum of downward thrust or stance. golf swing trainers and aids can often be found online and are often discounted or much cheaper. Be cautious about any claims in TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because the claims may not be reasonable.

If you apply combined mental and physical workouts, your reward will be super, proper, perfect golf swing improvement. Consider a golf vacation, maybe a myrtle Beach vacation package, or a Las Vegas vacation to get in more practice and if you can't take your golf clubs and golf accessories with you, you should be able to easily rent golf clubs, golf bags, golf carts and golf cart covers or any other golf accessories at any golf resort. Having a good plan and working on specific aspects of the swing or game should be your goal.

Try to concentrate on one of the weaknesses in your swing at a time. Make sure to find and use good golf swing trainers to help improve your game. And you're sure to achieve a perfect, super, proper golf swing every time.

For more information on super golf swing improvement, golf swing trainers and perfect golf swing fitness go to http://www.Best-Golf-Guide.com specializing in golf tips, techniques, help, advice, resources and instruction including information on free golf swing tips

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Are You Still Hitting A Slice Even After Golf Instruction?

So the week is over and you and your group are finally at the first tee. And you are so glad you have a chance to play a round with your friends and just forget about work and all that goes with it.

It's a beautiful day. Sun is shining bright and warm, the sky is so blue it can't be real.

What a day!

You are up.

And as you get ready to tee off, you remember that your ball flight is left to right and so you must aim to the left to compensate. You think that maybe this time you won't slice the ball, but that thought quickly dissipates into the world of " not true" and reality sets itself firmly back into your mind. For you know that your slice will not disappoint you.

And so you take your backswing and wallop the damn thing out over the lake to the left, is it coming back ? Oh no .. you think, it's going straight... wait, no here it comes .. back to the right. Just like it always does. Into the far right rough, just where it always goes.

If you could just hit it a little more straight you would surely hit it a lot further.

You once again promise yourself that you will take that golf lesson from the pro next week.

One golf swing instruction should take care of that slice once and for all. That's what you may think.

So the round went well, you had fun and didn't play too bad.

The week went by fast and now you are going to do what you promised and take that golf lesson.

And here is what happens.

Your golf instructor tells you the following:

Look you know that the slice occurs because of your downswing. But you have to be aware that all sorts of things have gone wrong before you even begin the backswing, let alone the downswing.

But if you want to get right to the actual movement that creates the spin on the ball that makes it go to the left and then to the right ... well it is referred to as an " over the top move"

This move happens when the clubhead comes from the top of your backswing to outside of your target line into the ball and continues on to the inside of your target line.

Now think about what I just said for a minute.

In most cases the clubface will be open and you will hit a glancing blow outside of the ball to inside of the ball. Kinda like a foul ball in baseball, where the bat only hits some of the baseball below it equator. Or on the bottom of the ball.

Sometimes the clubface is closed, in this case you hit it dead left, no slice, maybe a snap hook. Do not be encouraged by this. It is not a draw gone astray. The problems are exactly the same " hitting from the top"

Generally you will end up off balance, your weight will be more on the right side and your right shoulder will be higher than your left. This is also called hitting from the top because there normally is little if any weight shift in this move.

Have you ever seen the guy who swings and his left foot swings around on his finish, off the ground and it's a struggle for him to remain standing? All of his weight is on his right side?

The fact that the club is outside the target line and open will is unavoidable if you have an over the top swing.

The club is off plane and out of it's proper swing path. Neither is a good thing and tons of potential power is lost through this draining move.

In golf it would be a side swipe and you will bet some nasty spinning from this move. Left to right.

In this golf instruction you will learn that most folks who suffer from the over the top move have similar grips. Wrong grips I might add.

In this golf lesson you will note that this wrong grip is always a weak one. Left hand too far under the grip and the right hand too far on top of the grip. This grip tends to force an over the top move and it tends to prevent a release of the clubhead at impact or better stated it keeps the clubface open at impact.

Check you grip.. is it weak? If yes change it now to at least a neutral grip.

The clubhead must come down to your right side, not out and around the ball. Your right elbow can lead this first move to your right side. So... right elbow to your right side = first move

Use it as a mini drill .. half swing back with your new grip.. right elbow to the right side, hit the inside of the golf ball.

Roll a towel up.. lay it on the out side of the ball.. about 11/2 inches away parallel to the target line. lengthwise... now use the mini drill to hit balls .. do not hit the towel.. got it? Do not hit the towel.

Hit the inside of the golf ball and do not hit the towel and don't cheat.

This will help you get an inside swing path and prevent the over the top move.

One more time. Using your new grip, half back swing, right elbow to the right side first move, continue to push the clubhead toward the inside of the golf ball and do not hit the towel.

Gradually increase the length and speed of this move and soon you will no longer hit a slice and you will know why. Very important.

A Simple golf Swing is a thing of beauty. You could actually have one too, have a look if you want more information about how to develop a consistent Simple golf Swing and shoot in the 80's in 14 days or less: http://www.ebooksbestbuy.com/golf

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